Current Livestock We Are Working With
With that being said, we still have a few fish lines that are near and dear to our hearts that we occasionally breed as requested.
We are currently breeding our tiger lines as pure, but in seperate tanks we are also experimenting with cross breeding our Tangerine and soon Orange Eye Tigers for fancier lines, but we are also keeping those lines pure in other tanksBEE & TIBEE SHRIMP
We are currently breeding our basic Crystal and Bee lines as pure, but in seperate tanks we are also experimenting with cross breeding our Bee Shrimp with other Bees and Tigers as well for exciting patterns and colour combinationsApistogramma

- Temperature: 20 – 25 °C
- pH: 5.0-7.0
- Hardness: 0 – 179 ppm
- Max Size: Males: 55 mm (Standard length) Females: 40 mm (Standard length)
- Min Recommended Tank Size: Base dimensions of 45 cm x 30 cm or equivalent are acceptable for a single pair with a group requiring larger quarters.
- HAREM SPAWNER: Apistogramma Trifasciata are harem breeders and ideally 1 Male should be placed with 2 females in a tank measuring at least 90 cm x 30cm so each female can cordon off her own territory
- Sexual Dimorphism: Males are larger, more colourful and develop more extended fins than females
Apistogramma spp. are chiefly carnivorous and feed mostly on benthic invertebrates in nature.
In the aquarium live and frozen foods such as Artemia, Daphnia, Moina and chironomid larvae (bloodworm) should be offered regularly although most species will also learn to accept dried alternatives with pelleted products generally preferred to flake.
Provided adequate cover and structure is available this species is unfussy with regards to décor with ceramic flowerpots, lengths of plastic piping and other artificial materials all useful additions.
A more natural-looking arrangement might consist of a soft, sandy substrate with wood roots and branches placed such a way that plenty of shady spots and caves are formed.
The addition of dried leaf litter provides additional cover and spawning sites, and brings with it the growth of beneficial microbe colonies as decomposition occurs.
These can provide a valuable secondary food source for fry, while the tannins and other chemicals released by the decaying leaves aid in simulation of natural conditions. Alder cones may also be used for the latter purpose.
Fairly dim lighting is recommended and aquatic plant species that can survive under such conditions such as Microsorum, Taxiphyllum or Cryptocoryne spp. may be added, while floating vegetation, especially Ceratopteris spp., is also useful.
There is no need to use peat, the collection of which is both unsustainable and environmentally-destructive.
Filtration need not be too strong, with an air-powered sponge filter or similar adequate.
It goes without saying that these are fishes are sensitive to fluctuating organic wastes and should never be introduced to biologically-immature aquaria.
This species also requires require acidic conditions with negligible carbonate hardness and low general hardness so a reverse osmosis unit or other method of obtaining soft water may need to be employed, and this can be further acidified using phosphoric acid or similar if necessary.
That said it is less fussy than some congeners and can withstand slightly soft, neutral water, with aquarium-bred specimens more adaptable still.
Captive-raised fish are the recommended choice for the community aquarium.
Wild examples are best maintained alone or with small ‘dither’ fishes such as Nannostomus spp., and ideally should not be mixed with other Apistogramma.
Endler's Livebearer
Bellstedt Tiger Endler

- Temperature: 23 – 26 °C
- pH: 6.5 – 7.5
- Hardness: 90 – 268 ppm
- Max Size: 25 mm (Male) | 45 mm (Female)
- Min Recommended Tank Size: 45 cm x 30 cm – minimum, they are active swimmers
- Sexual Dimorphism: Males are smaller and are far more colourful than females. Females are also much plumper being almost perpetually gravid!
An omnivorous species, feeding on a variety of zoobenthos and detritus in the wild. Will eat most foods offered but should have some vegetation in the diet.
A planted setup is strongly recommended as are floating plants. Water flow is not a problem for these fish as they are very active and should not be kept in aquaria smaller than that suggested above. If kept in a species setup powerful filtration is not necessary as these fish appear to produce very little waste.
This is a moderately hard water fish and while it may manage in soft and/or acidic conditions, long-term maintenance should be in moderately hard or harder water.
Laguna de Patos (the type locality for the species) was originally a brackish lake which was formed by being cut off from the ocean by a sandbar. Over time the water has been altered by runoff and is now freshwater. When P. wingei was rediscovered the lake contained very warm, hard water which was very green due to high concentrations of algae. The fish are now thought to be extinct here as a garbage dump has been built adjacent to the lake and the water has since become polluted.
For planted tanks or display purposes, acquiring only males would create a very active and colourful addition to your aquarium.
Not suitable for a general community due to their small size and should be kept alone if breeding is to be attempted. Good tankmates are other small peaceful species such as dwarf corydoras, small rainbowfish such as Iratherina werneri or Pseudomugil sp. and peaceful tetras. While males are peaceful towards one another, females may act quite territorially and so several should be kept in order to disperse potential bullying.
Even though tome guppy genes were used by Prof. Bellstedt in creating this linage, these Tiger Endlers should not be kept with guppies as they will crossbreed.
Clea Helena
Assassin Snail

- Temperature: 21 – 26 °C
- pH: 6.5 – 7.5
- Hardness: Water should be on the hard side for shell health & growth
- Max Size: 20-35 mm
- Min Recommended Tank Size: 45 x 30cm – as they need a healthy snail colony as food source
- Sexual Dimorphism: These snails are impossible to sex as both sexes look identical even as adults. Unlike some other snail types these are not hermaphroditic.
This species is carnivorous
It feeds on worms and gastropods, and is often known as the “assassin snail” for its habit of eating other snails. These snails will often feed on larger snails, often burying themselves and ambushing their prey. They are also opportunistic feeders and will eat almost anything that they can scavenge (which includes decomposing fish)
Although not a preferred food source, they will target invertebrates if they not supplied with snails or high protein prepared food (bloodworms is a favourite to use among hobbyists)
Assassin snails are naturally found in Southeast Asia, where they reside in all types of streams and ponds with sand substrate.
A sandy substrate is preferred, the finer the better, as these snails like to bury themselves and lie in ambush.
Assassin snails prefer a mature aquarium. Not only will a mature aquarium supply adequate snails as a food source, but water parameters will also be more stable (Ammonia & Nitrites). As with any livestock, regular water changes are essential to keep nitrates at a minimum.
They pose no threat to plants and are a welcome addition to any planted tank to keep pest snails (who may have hitched a ride with the plants) under control.
Very active snail, specially from dusk till dawn. Likes to burrow into the substrate during the day.
Can be kept in any planted or community tank where it will not be seen by larger fish as food.
Assassins snails cannot differentiate between pest and fancy snails, they will target all snails, even teaming up against bigger snails.