Nano Aquatics
What Do We Use?
One of the questions we get asked most often (apart from “What’s your TDS?), has to be: “What do you feed your shrimp and how often?“
Firstly, we feed our shrimp tanks on a daily basis, HOWEVER, keep in mind we have hundreds and hundreds of shrimp in all our tanks. So when we feed them on any specific day, not all of them will get food on THAT day, thus we feed small amounts each day.
For the average hobbyist we would suggest feeding every second or third day unless they have a severely stocked tank. Even then, only feed as much as your shrimp will consume in an hour or so, specifically organic foods as it can deteriorate the water quality quite quickly.
So with that being said, let’s get into the products we feed and use in our aquariums:
Nano Aquatics is
Not Sponsored
for any items listed below
At the time of publishing this, we are not receiving any financial compensation for mentioning or using the products below. We simply want to share what we’ve found in the years and years we’ve been breeding shrimp to be the biggest attributes to our breeding success.


- Complete food for ornamental shrimps
- Analytical constituents: 23.1% crude protein, 6.2% crude fat, 9.2% crude fibre, 17.3% crude ash
- Ingredients: Kelp, insect proteins, dandelion, stinging nettles, spinach, mulberry leaves, chlorella, montmorillonite, Moringa oleifera, rosemary, mannan-oligosaccharides, ß-glucans, flower pollen, turmeric, cinnamon
Main food
Feed sticks for daily feeding. Containing all the important nutrients, substances needed for growth and vital substances that shrimps need for healthy, balanced growth, vibrant colouring and plentiful reproduction.
Sinking, water-stable feed sticks consisting of 100% natural ingredients for a biologically balanced diet for freshwater dwarf shrimp. Shrimp King Complete contains all the essential nutrients and substances for growth that shrimps need every day. High-quality proteins and essential amino acids from aquatic animals ensure balanced growth. Dietary fibre from various leaves and bark supports healthy digestion.
Vitamins and vital substances from different types of algae and vegetables act as “lubricants” for a functioning metabolism. ß-glucan from yeasts supports the body’s own defences. And natural carotinoids promote the full development of species-specific colouring. As a result of the numerous ingredients, each individual feed stick already contains a varied diet. Premium shrimp food made in Germany.
We use SK Complete as one of our staple foods in the fish room in all our shrimp tanks.
The shrimp absolutely love it and if provides them with a complete balanced diet.
We feed it at least twice a week.

- Complete food for ornamental shrimps
- Analytical constituents: 42.6% crude protein, 7.5% crude fat, 5.9% crude fibre, 13.4% crude ash
- Ingredients: Bacterial protein from Corynebacterium glutamicum, insect proteins, stinging nettles, dandelion, mulberry leaves, Daphnia, krill, chlorella algae, montmorillonite, Moringa oleifera, rosemary, mannan-oligosaccharides, ß-glucans, flower pollen, turmeric, cinnamon
Feed sticks for targeted nutritional supplementation with high-quality proteins and essential amino acids. Protein content 42.2%. For times when increased protein is required, e.g. during egg formation.
Sinking, water-stable feed sticks consisting of 100% natural ingredients as a targeted protein supplement.
Shrimp King Protein has significantly higher protein content in comparison with the main food at 42.2%. It is fed as part of the normal feeding programme for variety and as a nutritional supplement. At the same time, Shrimp King Protein enables an increased protein supply during times of increased need e.g. during the reproduction phase and egg formation. Shrimp species with inherently higher protein requirements can also feed appropriately for their species.
The proteins and essential amino acids all originate primarily from aquatic animals (Gammarus, Daphnia, decapsulated Artemia cysts, shrimps, green-lipped mussel) and as a result have optimum nutritional composition and bioavailability.
We use SK Protein as a supplemental food in the fish room in all our shrimp tanks to increase to egg yield in our females.
We feed this once a week only, as the SK Complete
we feed regularly also contains protein.
SIDE NOTE We feed our shrimp a small amount of frozen bloodworm once every two weeks or so as a treat and also to increase their protein intake.

- Supplementary food for ornamental shrimps
- Analytical constituents: 21.0% crude protein, 6.0% crude fat, 8.0% crude fibre, 26.0% crude ash
- Ingredients: Kelp, insect proteins, dandelion, stinging nettles, spinach, mulberry leaves, calcium carbonate, chlorella, montmorillonite, Moringa oleifera, rosemary, mannan-oligosaccharides, ß-glucans, flower pollen, turmeric, cinnamon
Feed sticks for targeted food supplementation with extra minerals. With 7% calcium and 10% montmorillonite. Supports moulting and a strong shell.
Sinking, water-stable feed sticks consisting of 100% natural ingredients for mineral supplementation. As well as many high-quality ingredients like those used in the main food, Shrimp King Mineral contains extra minerals. The proven clay mineral montmorillonite (10%), pure calcium-carbonate (5%) and valuable coralline red algae (10%) provide all shrimps with plenty of calcium and other minerals as well as essential trace elements. In particular the natural calcium from coralline red algae exhibits high bioavailability and can be utilised particularly readily by the shrimps. Unlike crayfish, shrimps must regularly ingest minerals, as they do not have gastroliths (stomach stones) in order to store them.
Shrimp King Mineral supports smooth moulting and the development of a strong new shell
We use SK Mineral as a supplemental food in the fish room in all our shrimp tanks to assist our shrimps with moulting.
We feed this once or twice a week depending on the need for us to top up our tanks due to evaporation.
SIDE NOTE We feed GlasGarten Mineral Junkie on every 3rd or 4th “mineral feeding” just to provide our shrimps some variety.
Bacter AE

- Supplementary food for ornamental shrimps
- Biofilm Development: Assists with the development of biofilm in the aquarium as well as essential bacteria for shrimp tanks.
- Essential Shrimplet Food: Greatly increases the survival rate of newborn shrimp as it provides a constant crazing film of food.
- Ingredients: Amino acids, polysaccarides, xylanase, glucanase, amylase, protease, hemicellulase, Bacillus subtilis, Pediococcus acidilactici (Lactobacillus)
Bacter AE Micro Powder adds important microorganisms, amino acids and enzymes to your aquarium. Bacter AE improves the water quality and enhances the development of biofilms, which is highly beneficial for shrimp and especially baby shrimp. These biofilms provide your shrimp constantly with a protein-rich food source, which increases the survival rate of baby shrimp significantly and allows them to develop healthily. In addition, pre-biotic bacteria includes in Bacter AE improve the shrimp’s nutrient intake and regulate their digestion.
The bacteria cultures contained in Bacter AE Micro Powder are in “sleep mode”, and become active as soon as they come into contact with water. They remove noxious substances and, together with the other carefully picked ingredients they provide your shrimp with a favorable microclimate in the aquarium.
We use Bacter AE as one of our staple foods in the fish room in all our shrimp tanks.
The directions on the tub we feel is grossly over feeding and in our fish room we only use roughly 1/8th of the supplied spoon to feed our tanks once a week or directly after a top-up or water change.
Our tanks are all 3 footers (915mm) with hundreds of shrimplets and found this to be more than enough (in our experience).
Amazonia v2

- Completely new substrate made from specially processed natural material from the earth.
- Colloid particles capture dirt floating in the water, without any chemical treatment.
- Gives clarity to the water and creates conditions ideal for healthy growth of aquatic plants.
- Helps to lower the hardness level of the water.
- Helps to bring the pH level of the water down to an ideal level for most of the aquatic plants.
- Most desirable pH level for most caridina shrimp (pH 5.5 – 6.5)
- IMPORTANT: Read “Our Comments” section
For ADA’s Soil Amazonia Ver.2 100% natural black soil is used as raw material. It is perfect for creating an underwater landscape that is very close to the South American rainforest. It offers a high humic and nutrient content and is also suitable for harder tap water.
A high pH value of the soil substrate makes it difficult for aquatic plants to absorb nutrients. Substrates from the Aqua Soil series reduce the hardness of the water and lower the pH to a level where most aquatic plants can absorb the nutrients they need for thriving. The enclosed Amazonia Supplement improves the nutrient situation of the soil even further, so that the plants have particularly excellent growth conditions at their disposal. The Aqua Soil granules retain their shape and density under water for a long time, thus ensuring the circulation of water and oxygen through the substrate.The Aqua Soil substrate makes it easier to care for difficult-to-cultivate plants such as Tonina or Syngonanthus. It is also ideal for aquarium inhabitants who prefer soft water, such as Apistogramma and various species of dwarf shrimp.
The Amazonia Supplement is supplied in a special bag; 50 ml for the 9 litre version and 16 ml for the 3 litre version. The Soil can also be used without the supplement, and then behaves like the Aqua Soil – Amazonia II, which does not cause turbid water.
The Amazonia Supplement is supplied in a special bag; 50 ml for the 9 litre version and 16 ml for the 3 litre version
What we love about Amazonia ver 2 apart from it creating the ideal water conditions for our caridina shrimps, is the fact that the nutrient tablets are supplied separately (inside the bag of soil). So you have the choice to add it or not.
For planted aquariums (even if you stock shrimp as livestock) we recommend adding it as the tablets will provide the essential nutrients for healthy plant and root growth.
However, for shrimp only/breeding tanks DO NOT add the pellets as you do not need the nutrients and they are the main cause for ammonia spikes in the early stages after setup.
Even without the pellets Amazonia ver 2 provides the IDEAL water conditions for keeping and breeding caridina shrimp and is the only soil we are currently using in ALL OUR SHRIMP BREEDING TANKS.
Bee Salt GH+

- Increases total hardness, does not increase carbonate hardness.
- Creates a slightly acidic pH of approx. pH 6.0-6.5
- With essential vitamin C and vitamin B complex.
- Biologically balanced calcium-magnesium ratio.
- Creates the perfect conditions for problem-free moulting.
- Provides the perfect conditions for successful breeding.
- Extends the useful life of the substrate, as it does not increase carbonate hardness.
- Dissolves quickly, easy to use
- Creates the ideal water values for the successful keeping and breeding of soft-water shrimps such as bee shrimps and bumble bee shrimps
- Creates a slightly acidic pH of approx. pH 6.0-6.5
- Promotes growth as valuable supplementary nutrition, especially for young shrimps
- For balanced growth, health, vitality and high breeding success
For targeted hardening of osmosis water, rain water and purified water. Developed especially for keeping and breeding shrimps from soft-water biotopes such as bee and bumble bee shrimps and their varieties. With all the essential minerals, trace elements and vitamins shrimps need for healthy, balanced growth, vibrant colours and plentiful reproduction.
With Bee Salt, water can be created with an increased total hardness, but no carbonate hardness, similar to that which soft-water shrimps are accustomed to in their natural habitats. At the same time it promotes the activity of filter bacteria and promotes plant growth. It dissolves quickly and is easy to use.
We’ve tried a few GH+ Bee salts and the SHRIMP KING product/brand is our favourite to use…by a landslide!!
SHRIMP KING BEE SALT GH+ mixes very easily and in our experience does not cause a continual jump in TDS with repeated use that forces you to making water changes more frequent than planned/necessary.
Shrimp do not like a change in water parameters, so we try and keep our water changes to 10-15% once every 5-6 weeks and just use pure RO top-ups in between (minerals stay inside the tanks, only pure H2O is “lost” with evaporation, so pure RO top-ups don’t cause TDS spikes)